effective women

Women living the effect of Jesus in their lives, and letting that effect ripple through to their families, friends and all they come in contact with. We are all recovering from something. We live life filled with compassion for others, knowing our lives intertwine for some spiritual reason. Women reaching out to other women, bonding, sharing, as God would have us do. Leaving all those we come in contact with, even better than when we met, as Jesus would.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

My perspective...just a note.

It's after 12:00 am. and I am still here at my computer. People ask me why I am up so late so often. Well, Dave is still working on his sermon for the morning and I wait for him to finish. I have to admit, I can't always wait.. get too sleepy.

The life of a Pastor's Wife :o) .. I'm still getting used to it. At first I really fought it. I thought, I'm not good enough, outgoing enough, talented enough. I can't play piano and sing, You sometimes feel like you are under a microscope, and feel that you need to watch all you say and do. I realized that tonight when I was joking a bit, and it wasn't taken the way I intended. I just need to watch what I say.. Sometimes the old me creeps through a little bit. Or maybe I just needed a little more grace at that moment :o) ...

I'm not fighting it anymore. God has really put His Huge soft hands on my shoulders and has given me much comfort. In a time when anxiety should be expected, I am feeling good. I realized that I just can't stop conversing with Him. I need to talk to Him. The more that I do, the more I feel His presence in our lives. He is watching over our family.

He is also watching over so many people that have come to the effect. Whether they are there for a day, or they stay and become like family... We have been seeing beautiful transformations in people that warms our hearts and helps us to keep perspective of what we are doing and what we are involved it.

God truly makes plans for us. Sometimes we go unwittingly at first, but we find our place and He sends His comforter. He opens our eyes and hearts and minds to accept what we see and what we hear. His Grace has truly been the greatest thing we have witnessed since starting theeffect. He truly loves us all.

I have seen a transformation happening in our Pastor Dave over the years... a huge transformation. His life is devoted on teaching all about the Jesus he has learned about. The loving Father that never stops loving us. He preaches with a message of love, not fear. Because, God is love and casts out all fear. Instead of fear we have an immense awe of a creator that is beyond our comprehension...but we keep trying to comprehend. Dave studies continously. Prays continuously. We pray that he is a conduit of God's word to everyone he speaks to.

That's my little perspective for tonight. I'm getting a little sleepy. Can't hold out much longer. Guess I'll be going to bed with a book for a bit :o) ..
Good night all! Hope to see you in the morning!! Donuts are waiting! Lots of coffee for me!

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