effective women

Women living the effect of Jesus in their lives, and letting that effect ripple through to their families, friends and all they come in contact with. We are all recovering from something. We live life filled with compassion for others, knowing our lives intertwine for some spiritual reason. Women reaching out to other women, bonding, sharing, as God would have us do. Leaving all those we come in contact with, even better than when we met, as Jesus would.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Imagine Yourself at a Women of Faith Weekend!  September 10th and 11th.

We went last year and it was wonderful.. There were about 12 of us. If anyone would like to go, plesae let me know. It would be nice to get a group of women to go.

I felt that last year I was a little too pushy with this.. I was excited..it was my first real job for Women's Ministries.  I don't want to push this year, but rather make it flow...

I am praying that if God puts this on your heart, you will want to go and you will call me. I would love to go with you.

Lord I pray deeply for each and every women that comes to our church, our meetings, our building....I pray for all women that you have your hand on for this Women's Weekend, that you would bring them to me and make us a strong group of like minded women with a heart so strong for you. Bring those who's heart's may not be strong, so they may be strenghtened.

I pray for you guidance and help with this group, their decision, and all of our planning. I know you were so with us last year, it is obvious that you had your hand on us. Please bless us again.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

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