- Prayers:
- That the Lord will bless us with His felt presence every day of every week, at every service and function in our church. That His Spirit would flow and be a part of our lives in a radically healing way.
- That the Lord will continue to bless those that come to theeffect, and that the church will have a ripple effect in our lives, in our families, friends and community. (Our nation, Our world!)
- That the Lord will bless us with the resources to keep theeffect community, and recovery ministry strong, and our doors "always" open.
- That the Lord will continue to heal those that come to our church.
- That all families will not know the word "dysfunctional" and will be whole and healthy.
- That marriages would become stronger.
- That friendships would abound.
- That we would truly become a "community" of believers.
- That our women would become like family to each other and be there for each other in times of need.
- That our men would become like family to each other and be there for each other in times of need.
- That leaders would be raised in our church.
- That those who see needs in our church would respond to them. If the Lord puts it on our hearts to respond.
- Pray for "His Will" to be done in our lives.. That our will be His will.
This will bring a wholeness to all of us that He wants for us so desperately!
If you have prayer requests, please email them to me so that I can share them. If you would like them to be anonymous, just let me know. (marian@theeffect.org)
Please know that God is listening. He knows our hearts and minds. He is ever constant and ever present. If we don't feel Him, it is because we are holding Him at arms length. Some of us are hurt so badly, and don't trust that He will answer. It is that hurt that creates a strong wall that can not be penetrated without the healing of God's love. Ask for it, desire it, lean into Him even when you do not feel Him. He is there, and He is just waiting for you to come to him. Like a parent who longs to see a long lost child...He is waiting for you. He wants to you come and sit with Him.
Imagine yourself sitting at a stream... a gentle stream...the time of day when shadows are crisp and vivid.
You are listening to the stream.
You are shaded by a large tree, and you lean against it to rest.
You dip your feet into the stream and feel the gentle warm current embrace your feet.
You feel at rest.
A man comes to sit by the stream.
You do not know Him, but it does not worry you.
He is praying.
You hear the gentle voice pray as you lean against the tree.
It is the Lord, and He is praying for you.
You realize this.
A complete peace comes over you.
A feeling of love that you have never felt before.
You rise slowly and you go to sit with Him. You know that you are welcome to. You just know.
He cups His hands gently on your face.
He looks so deeply into your eyes.
You have never felt such love upon you.
He takes your hands in His.
You do not speak. You can't.
There is no need for words.
You feel the Spirit of the Lord flow through your body with a warmth and embrace you have never felt before.
You feel so loved.
You feel so whole.
You feel a part of something so beautiful. Beyond words, beautiful.
You close your eyes and let this all seep into your soul,
your whole being.
You rest in this perfect moment for what seems like forever.
You want it to last forever.
You do not want to leave this moment.
You slowly, very slowly, open your eyes.
You are leaning against the tree again. Your surroundings so crisp and vivid.
Your feet are in the gentle current of the stream.
It's as if you never left this spot, by the tree, by the gentle stream.
You still feel he warmth of God with you.
You rest in this.
When you are ready to leave this stream, you know you will take this warmth with you.
When you life gives you bleak moments, you know you can come back to this moment and know, just know, that you are not alone in this universe.
God is with you. You know this now, there is no doubt... You feel this now.. You embrace this now.
Take this with you today... know you are loved wholly, fully, in a way you could never have imagined.
You don't have to wait for heaven to feel this perfect love.
He wants this for you TODAY.
You are so very loved!
Remember also, that God puts people in our path. People you "should'" know. People you will learn from. There is a reason for every human connection that comes your way. Keep your eyes and hearts open to this. God uses each of us as His hands, His feet, His Heart, His eyes. He uses us to help each other. He may call out to you to help someone. He may call out to someone to help you. Keep your hearts open to this. We are "all" recovering from something. We all need the touch of our our Lord. All of us.
We are not inanimate objects. We are spiritual beings that have been blessed with a soul and have been blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ in all that He has done for us. We are truly, truly children of God.
Do not let the enemy take this away from you. Do not listen to evil! Listen with your heart for the Lord.. He is always speaking to you.. Let His voice be the loudest one. Let His voice be the one that drowns out the needless ones! It will be like a gentle wind, but it will penetrate more deeply than the busyness and loudness of everything else that comes your way.
May God bless your life abundantly... in Love and Spirit and continuous healing.
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