Call Marian for More Information! 949-291-2553
Friday, September 11th and Saturday September 12th
Please Join Us!! effect Women's Retreat...
Everyone Welcome!!
We need to sell 12 more seats!
Please think about coming and being a part of the effect women's family!
We need you. Sisters, Mothers, Cousins, Friends, all can come!
The cost is minimal compared to the excellent speakers they will be sharing with us
and the 2 boxed lunches! $79.00!
If you can't make it, would you consider sponsering a woman who would like to come? There are some that would come in a heartbeat, they just can't affort it right now.
Thank you!
Please pray for the women attending. Please pray that all who want to go will be able to go. Please pray for the church that we will have the funds to cover our commitment.
Blessings to you all!
Please call me if you have not signed up and would like to attend. The church has purchased the tickets so that we could hold places for all wanting to come. We will have a spot for you open!
If you would like to spend Friday night with some of the women who would like to stay, please let me know also.
If you would like to spend Friday night with some of the women who would like to stay, please let me know also.
Thanks so much!
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